I'm currently an intern at Mission St. Manufacturing. We're a 3D printing company that's trying to streamline 3D printing. If you're not familiar with 3D printers, imagine building up an object with a hot glue gun, carefully squeezing out layer upon layer of plastic. That is exactly what a 3D printer does.
One of the problems we are fixing is that you have to jump through a ton of hoops to print something. Making a 3D model is hard. Once you have a model you have to turn that into instructions for your printer, and once you have the instructions, you have to actually print them. We hide most of this on our server so nobody has to deal with it.
You can't hide the actual modeling, so we're making tablet apps that make simple 3D modeling really simple. We've got a few in the works. Let's take a look at one that turns your finger drawings into real things that you can hold. Its code name is FourthApp.
First you draw something. It's kind of like Paint. No spray-can, though.

Then you hit print preview. We turn it into a 3D model and send it back down for your perusal:

If it turns out satisfactorily you can choose to print your part:

Which ends up looking like this:

You are, no doubt, curious as to how this all works. I'd love to tell you, but first we need to understand the basics. Namely, what does making a 3D model entail? Conceptually, it's pretty easy - you take a picture, figure out what you want the model to look like, and draw triangles on the model until it's all covered, like this:

Once you have that, you can cut it into thin horizontal slices; then you can write instructions to tell the printer how to move on each layer. This process is called toolpath generation or slicing.
However, the devil is in the details. We tried several different ways of making models, which can be lumped into one of two categories: path-based and image-based.
We started with a path-based method, which works like this: we track the path the finger traces across the screen. Then we draw two paths on either side, marking the bottom edges of the model. Then we play connect-the-dots and make the triangles for the bottom face. Next we make a copy of the bottom and move it up to make the top face. Finally, we connect the top and bottom faces to each other to make the sides. Ta-da!
This runs into some problems, though, when the path crosses over itself. We end up with some triangles inside the model! The internal triangles make it hard to determine the border of each slice. This really messes with your toolpaths. We decided to try to detect the self-intersections. This worked by checking each edge against each other edge to see if they crossed. This is slow - when you start drawing complex pictures, the brush noticeably lags behind your finger as we accumulate more edges to check.
While trying to fix the code we started thinking about other approaches. What if we took a screenshot and turned that into a 3D model? We'd avoid the self-intersecting paths altogether - once you have painted an area black, it doesn't matter if you go over it again. It will still be black. It will be black until the end-times, no matter how many times you draw over it. This was really exciting! So we started hacking on it.
Soon we had something that kind of worked. The idea is pretty simple: you look at each pixel in the picture, keeping track of how dark each pixel is. This will correspond to height later. Each pixel has a 2D position already. You can put that together with the heights you just found to get a bunch of 3D points. Then you draw a bunch of triangles in a giant game of connect-the-three-dimensional-dots, and voila! You have a 3D model!
This method makes a lot of triangles. In fact, it makes about 10 times as many as the last one. This means it's 10 times bigger, 10 times harder to send over the Internet, 10 times harder to slice. To alleviate these problems, we shrunk down the resolution of the images, but ran into another snag: at such low resolutions, the beautiful, organic curves (sensuous, even) that people were drawing became jagged pixelated blocks. That can be helpful if you are trying to print out characters from Super Mario, but that's not exactly what we want. We tried to find a happy medium between slow and pretty, but it wasn't there.
Now we've hacked together another solution. The benefit of the path-based approach is that the model itself is much smaller and simpler; the benefit of the image-based approach is that we don't have to deal with self-intersecting curves. A hybrid solution gets us both of these. The app sends us a picture of what the user has drawn. Then we use a nice program called potrace to trace the edges of the drawing. From there, we connect the dots and get a model which is as simple and smooth as a path-based one without any of the self-intersection issues.
Of course, there's still ways to improve. I'm working on an extension to this hybrid method that will let you use different shades of grey in your drawing to indicate different thicknesses. We can trace those edges with potrace to get the profile of each slice. Then we can stack them on top of each other to create the model. This lets you make things that are bumpy on top. You'd really be getting somewhere.
Astute readers may notice that we don't need to turn the picture into triangles to make toolpaths. All the printer does is fill in one horizontal slice of the object and move up, so if we know what each slice looks like we can make toolpaths straight from that. Luckily, the different levels of grey represent exactly that! Instead of stacking the slices, turning that into triangles, then slicing up the triangles again, we can skip that middle step. This business of translating between slices and triangles gets into deep waters very quickly, though, and deserves its own post.